I was recently watching a Story and heard that someone was having to get a new computer due to a rare problem with their RAM and I was struck by what a big deal it was for this person to need to rush home to back it up, then go back to the store to send it back. I would *never* have to do that, because all of my files are backed up to Google Drive 100% of the time, and I don’t have to do ANY of that manually! Here’s how I use Google Drive for Desktop as my fail-proof backup solution!
Listen, I’m kind of a computer nerd. I enjoy buying the newest MacBook Pro just for the hell of it (though I try really hard to save my $$$). Anyway, whenever I buy new laptops, it’s never a *huge* deal for me. I’m never missing files, I don’t have to reference my old hard drive, and I don’t have to think too hard about any of this. I download Google Drive for Desktop and BOOM, all my files are back. I can’t imagine this process being any more difficult or time consuming, that just simply wouldn’t work for me.
So then I realized that I needed to share just HOW I’m able to live with such confidence that ALL of the information I need to run my business is right at my fingertips.
Google Drive for Desktop
The worst part is, doing this is INSANELY simple. I mean, its probably a little bit MORE work if you need to recreate your file structure and get used to saving to a slightly different spot, but basically, it’s SO simple. You can make this mirror your exact process of saving to folders now! So here’s what you do:
- Click here to download Drive for Desktop. Follow your computer’s installation directions.
- At the bottom right (Windows) or top right (Mac), click Drive for desktop
Open Google Drive
- You’ll be able to tell Google Drive which folders from your EXISTING filing system to back up, and how often.
- You can also tell Google Drive which files that ALREADY LIVE on your drive to mirror on your desktop. This means you can access files you’ve saved to Google Drive in the past directly from your main computer folder system, you don’t have to go login to google, download, re-upload, etc.
- That’s it. As long as you’re logged in (which is super easy to check), your files will backup reliably.
I personally don’t even have a folder/filing system stored on my computer’s hard drive. I save DIRECTLY to Google Drive from my folder filing system, and it is GAME CHANGING.

Are you shocked?
Anywho, I know this blog isn’t super long or complicated, but that’s because this life-changing hack isn’t long or complicated. Stop telling yourself the lie that reliably backing up your computer, the most important physical tool you need in running your business, has to be manual, expensive, or time consuming. It’s just not true; it gets to be easy and reliable with Google Drive for Desktop as your backup solution!